Medvale is the world’s premiere network of health delivery leaders.
It is a virtually connected network composed of professionals from the healthcare industry, ranging from CEOs or similar positions, who together seek to enhance their impact to make the world a healthier place.

In a global context where the healthcare industry is facing multiple challenges, Medvale addresses a problem that industry leaders often encounter: the loneliness that power can bring and the difficulty of finding spaces to be vulnerable, to share experiences, and to improve solutions.

We have four passions: we connect, we collaborate, we innovate, and we impact. We achieve this through various actions carried out within the network.

The Medvalistas – as we call the members of the community – are divided into Clubs with a maximum of eight members. Every group has its own name and identity: some are exclusive to physicians, others are for those transitioning into retirement (Mentors), young leaders, transformers, and more.


Each Club meets virtually once a month, in a space that is completely confidential and secure. There, in sessions of one and a half hours, experiences are exchanged, and an open space is provided for anyone to raise any concerns or challenges they need to address. Each Club has a President, who is responsible for managing the agenda and ensuring that exchanges happen to enhance the experience and thereby improve impact.


Additionally, Medvale offers initiatives like the Dolphin Tank (inspired by the Shark Tanks), where any Medvalista can raise a challenge they are facing, and an ad hoc group is formed to advise them on the best way to resolve it. There are also Lyceums, held once a month, where great speakers share their wisdom on a subject, followed by a confidential and exclusive exchange among Medvalistas to enrich the perspective on the discussed topic.

During the year, in-person events are also organized to enrich personal relationships and take
networking to the next level. Moreover, Medvalistas are connected through the network’s
own channels, such as a weekly newspaper and the Medvale Media contents.

Medvale is inspired by a small-town model, with its inhabitants called Medvalistas. This metaphor has a
real-world reference, reflecting the identity of Wendell, Idaho, the town where Jim Trounson, the founder of the network (and now “Mayor” of this virtual town), was born and raised. 

We believe in the value of great quality in smallness, which is why only those referred by another Medvalista can apply to join the network. We do not aim to be a big city: we do not advertise to grow, and you will see that this website has no call to action to add new Medvalistas.

The team that runs Medvale, the “Town Hall,” operates 100% remotely from various corners of the world. Here we introduce them to you:

Hi. I’m Jim Trounson, the founder of Medvale.

Healthcare has been my calling for my entire professional life. For me, it’s the right combination of meaningful work and entrepreneurship.

Following service in Vietnam, I returned to Idaho to become the CEO of a hospital and help initiate and run a family medicine residency—before starting America’s first physician practice management and staff leasing company.

As an entrepreneur, I know the challenges of the good folks out there who are bringing their ideas to market…and I want to help. But I can’t do much alone. Hence my determination to build a community. I think of my sweet little hometown of Wendell, Idaho…population 1,232 when I was growing up there. Everyone helped each other. Most of what I needed was right there. What a fortuitous launching pad for me, as I hope Medvale will be for others.

I love introducing people I like to other people and ideas I like. Medvale is built to do just that.


Hi. I’m Tiago Bastos, the Town Clerk of Medvale.

I’m from Bragança Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil, but I’ve been living in Pernambuco state since 2007. I have a 20-year background in education, management, and community engagement.

I come to Medvale from a British startup company that aims to build a world in which individuals have control of their lives to access and discover opportunities, in supportive teams and engaging communities that provide financial security, growth and fulfillment.

I joined Medvale in January 2022 and I’m looking forward to supporting our Medvalistas to improve the health of individuals around the globe.

I’m a citizen of the world and love traveling. I’ve been to several countries in South America, Europe, and Africa. In my free time, I enjoy walking my dog Charlie and playing with my four cats. I’m a tech-savvy and a very curious person, always keen on learning something new.

Hi, I’m María Paz Paniego, the Communication Director.

With a degree in Journalism Communication and over a decade of professional experience, I specialize in leading strategic initiatives and developing comprehensive plans. I participated in the Salzburg Academy on Media and Global Change and hold a Postgraduate Degree in Communication Management.

Throughout my career, I’ve collaborated with diverse government teams, crafting communication strategies for the effective implementation of public policies, including the internationalization of projects. Additionally, I have expertise in building personal brands, guiding professionals to enhance their image through digital positioning plans and narrative improvements.

Argentina is not just where I was born; it’s my current home, and I absolutely love it here. I enjoy spending time outdoors, caring for my plants, playing the guitar, and sharing moments with my family, friends, and Luján, my Golden Retriever.

My goal is to help all Medvalistas discover the power of communication to elevate their projects and personal brands! | Copyright © 2024